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노란색의 으아리꽃을 만나다 /Nepal, Tibet and the Himalayas - Tibetan Chant sung by Dechen / 음정 블루파피님

그 작은숲 강가 2015. 10. 7. 00:20





























































































Nepal, Tibet and the Himalayas - Tibetan Chant sung by Dechen
This video features photos from the region,
a few Buddhist quotes and a Tibetan chant - Men-Lha,
sung by Dechen Shak Dagsay, (her music can be purchased through New Earth Records.)
I have always loved mountains of any type anywhere but the taller the more awesome.
I have not visited there but would love to,
not just for the scenery but for the people.
I appreciate much of Buddhist thinking regarding mindfulness and emptiness.
I find many of their beliefs to be inherently truthful.
I have the greatest respect for Tibetans who have persevered
under Chinese control for so very long.
I am a great admirer of the Dalai Lama who leads his people and his beliefs by example.